The Truth You Need To Read About Diets
Hey Lovely!
Listen, I totally understand the need for a quick fix...
I’ve tried everything possible to try and change something in the shortest time possible.
I have made so many bad attempts at crash dieting and I can’t even tell you the number of times I’ve forced myself to go for a run even though I hated every second of it.
Even though I’ve spent most of my adult life misunderstanding food and my body and getting nearly everything wrong, I couldn’t be more grateful... because one day my quick fix failure became my long term success and the fad DIET became a healthy-ish balanced LIFESTYLE and the inconsistent hours of punishing CARDIO became a regular hour of cherished ‘ME time’... trying to be THINNER turned in to trying to FITTER... stronger... braver and trying to weigh LESS became trying to Achieve MORE... DO MORE... BE MORE.
So, like I said, I totally understand that you want everything to happen quickly...
I understand how hard it’s going to feel and how much pressure you’re going to put on yourself to the point that you’ll probably eventually fail .. BUT…
When it does fail (as crash dieting inevitably will)...maybe you’ll remember this note from me ...One day that crash dieting failure will be enough to push you out of your search for a quick fix and into a healthy, realistic, sustainable change
If it doesn’t happen straight away and you keep trying to punish yourself for the food you ate, how much you weigh and the way you look – that’s ok! I’m here for you, I will be a friend FOR you ...until you’re ready to be a friend to yourself.
Nikki xx