Looking Back on Year Three
So truthfully I had a whole different post planned but I’m writing this to you on Friday, the 1st of October 2021 because I felt so inspired to share this special day with you. Did you know that almost 1 in 5 businesses will fail in the 1st year and 60% of businesses will fail in the first 3.
So why is today special? Today is officially the 1st day of my 4th year in business and that feels pretty amazing to me. If I look back on my 3rd year in business... how I felt, what I earned, and when I earned it, here are some things I wanted to share with you.
How I feel about my year 3 financial goal
The bad news is for those of you that follow my business journey in my Inner Magic Facebook group, no… I didn't reach my financial goal. BUT, THE GOOD NEWS is I did get pretty flipping close. Genuinely, I don’t feel disappointed at all, despite not quite hitting my goal, it’s undeniable that my little business is substantially and consistently growing year on year. Hitting the three-year mark with an expanding and thriving company just feels GLORIOUS, it makes me feel safe. It makes me believe and deeply trust that it truly is, only up and up and up from here.
Here’s the proof that above all, it’s about your mindset
When I look closely at the monthly figures... I can literally see my wobbles. There have been several points during this year where internally I had a massive f***ing wobble. I struggled with almost crippling self-doubt, was paralysed with inaction and I can absolutely see this reflected ‘financially’ in particular months in my business. It’s wild to see my self-belief and my ability to make money so visibly linked, right there in a spreadsheet in my Google drive.
Confidence is what happens when you don’t give in to self-doubt
From the figures, it was also clear to see that after the biggest wobble, comes the greatest comeback. I had some of my best cash months after those wobbly ones. When I look at the flurry of activity I put into my business, or when I finally got behind myself again to launch a new program after those crushing moments of self-doubt, that's when the biggest rewards came in.
I really want you to understand this…you don't find confidence, you don’t need to learn how to get it. It already exists. It exists the moment you decide not to entertain your self-doubt.
As a parting note, I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you’re reading this email it’s because of you I’m heading successfully into my 4th year of business. Thank you so much for following along on Instagram, joining me for #Honestea, for setting goals with me in the Goals Setting Masterclass, for getting Ontrack with me, for becoming an Early Morning Queen or an Ontrack Coach, for letting me be your coach and your friend. You mean everything to me.
I hope you have the most amazing week.
I hope you choose what you really want…
And I hope you take ACTION to make your dreams come true.