I Stepped on the Scale this Morning…
That’s right, I'm writing this today’s Monday email on the day 1) because I’m behind on my work and 2) because it’s more genuine this way.
I stepped on the scale this morning and it read 65.3kg so this is where I am.
I know a lot of you don’t like the scale, I didn't either for a while #screwthescale, but since working as a women’s coach for so many years I have a newfound appreciation for what I once used to call the ‘sad step’.
Used in the right way, I find the scale quite empowering.
When used for the sole purpose of data collection, the scale actually empowers me to be less emotional about my weight, more in tune with my body, and sometimes, it helps me understand my progress even before it’s happened. Here’s how I intentionally use the scale for good.
I weigh myself at the same time, every day - as soon as I wake up, after going to the bathroom.
I record the weight *(either in a diary, notes app, or spreadsheet)
After 7 consecutive days, I take an average of my weight throughout the week.
This average figure is the number I use each week to determine if the scale is headed in the right direction. The daily figure, or even weighing weekly or fortnightly is hugely inaccurate. The scale is meant to fluctuate every day, up some days down a few days later then back up again. So taking random readings is never going to make you feel good.
The beauty of the scale is seeing the patterns emerge, understanding that when in a fat loss phase if the scale is maintaining or even going up, we are most likely losing fat from our cells and retaining water there instead. I use the evidence of my weight going up to encourage myself that at some point soon my body will release the water, the cells will shrink ( and I will wake up feeling leaner) and the number on the scale will drop.
When I weigh daily to collect data. It feels like science lol, it feels like understanding the very normal peaks and troughs to better understand my body and how I treat it. For example - if I get a bad night's sleep, the scale will be temporarily higher in the morning. If I eat salty food, the scale will temporarily read higher. So long as I know for sure that I am putting in the work and managing my nutrition if the scale goes up, I know, it’s absolutely about to go down not long after. This also encourages me to drink my water so that I don't retain it for longer than necessary.
Using the scale in this way, makes me feel like I'm in control of my own data. Because I am. Remember, the more you know about your own data, the more choices you have over what you can do about it. The same goes for calories, if you don't know the calorific value of what you're eating how can you choose whether or not it’s worth it to you? Food for thought right?
I digress...
The scale may go up when I'm not expecting it to, but my mindset around the data and the choices I can make from knowing the numbers - is all mine. Do you love or hate the scale? Let me know.