3 Ways to Silence Your Inner Quitter
You’re in your workout gear, your equipment is all set, you see the workout for the day and —- just like clockwork, you hear your inner quitter whining about how hard the workout looks and you might as well just skip it. If your inner quitter has been keeping you from sticking to your workout routines, here are three simple ways (that actually work) to beat your inner quitter.
1. Take the pressure off
Has this happened to you? You manage to carve out some time in your schedule for your workout but then end up spending the whole hour trying to hype yourself up for it? Instead of asking yourself to fight for an hour or a whole workout - take the pressure off and give yourself permission to do just 10 mins or one circuit. You’ll probably find you end up doing way more anyway.
2. Flip the script on your inner critic
Our thoughts and feelings drive our actions, so if you are stuck in a negative loop of saying to yourself “ I can’t do it” stop and start repeating “I can do it” instead. Putting a positive spin on what your inner voice is saying can take a little bit of work but it can make a world of difference and the more you keep at it, you’ll be surprised how quickly things change direction and it will feel amazing too!
3. If you can’t say it, sing it!
If you really can’t change your own words - sing someone else’s ... make sure your workout playlist is full of songs with empowering lyrics such as “stronger” “I can” “I believe in me” “powerful”. I have a whole playlist dedicated to powerhouse women singing inspirational songs of self-belief, positivity and strength. I spend my workouts with their lyrics in my head and it’s had a profound effect on the quality of my workouts ... after all, it’s really hard to quit on yourself when your singing the words “I got the power”.
I really hope you try these tips and they help you get the most of your workout time - the mindset behind fitness is so important as it’s always your mind that gives up first, way way before your body does.
Let me know if you try them