Law of Relativity
If someone says to you “remember, someone somewhere has it worse than you”, what do you do? Truthfully? Do you take a moment to think about it, feel grateful for what you have, and be thankful? Or do you roll your eyes at the lack of sympathy you received for your problem, and make a mental note not to talk to that person again for a few hours/days/weeks until they’ve learnt whose side they should be on? (listen, there’s no judgement here!!)
The Universal Law of Relativity is generally seen as the least popular law because of the issues it creates.
Brilliant. So why on earth are we learning about it then? Can’t we just learn more about the stuff that will bring us happiness and shower us in abundance?? Well, the truth is that you need the bad to be able to fully recognize the good. You need the challenges to grow and learn. Put simply, this is the reality check of the universal laws!! And as bad as it is, the more you learn and grow.
And yes, this law really does support the saying “someone somewhere is worse off than you”!
So let's figure this out in the real world.
Money. Are you someone who has always said “Oh I’ve never been any good with money”, “As soon as I get it, it's gone again!”, or even “I am always broke”? Then wondered why other people get to have it and you don’t? Law of relativity. If you voice it, you believe it. If you believe it then every time you get money, you lose it, therefore not learning the value of it or the energy of it. No matter how much you tell yourself you have got better. Lesson not learnt.
Or how about attracting toxic people in your life? Friends? Partners? You get walked all over, treated like rubbish, and attract the same negative people over and over again? It’s a cycle you just can’t get out of. Time to look at yourself… maybe you need to work on boundaries? Self-love? Holding yourself in higher regard etc. Until you think and believe that you are worthy of so much more, you will keep attracting the rubbish stuff.
The longer we take to see these challenges, the longer it will take us to learn from them and grow stronger. This is how we start learning how to become the very best version of ourselves!
Us humans are resistant to challenges. We are. We dig our heels, staying nice and snuggled and warm in our comfort zone. But think about it. Challenges are necessary for growth and for bringing fulfillment to our lives. It will test an issue that you need to master or heal in this lifetime. How you respond will determine whether you get to move on to the next thing…or need to retake the lesson in another form. Basically, if you don’t learn what you are supposed to, you will keep on that same cycle until you learn the lesson. You need to start recognizing that everything negative is literally a positive waiting to happen!
So really, the law of relativity could be seen as being quite the badass of the universal laws, because its only concern is making us strong, powerful, and capable of more than we ever imagined.
And that’s pretty amazing if you think about it.