Whenever you experience a blip
I've been consistent with my fitness goals for over 6 weeks now. It’s been going really well. REALLY REALLY well.
This week however was a little bit different.
What started with a takeaway on Friday, continued with a takeaway on Saturday, and culminated in a 3-course festive roast dinner on Sunday. Glasses of prosecco were consumed, I shared gingerbread cheesecake with James for pudding, and let's just say any hopes of a calorie deficit this week were long gone. As expected I stepped on the scale this morning and the scale shot up.
Reading 1.4kg more than my lowest weight last week. Bearing in mind it’s taken me 6 weeks to lose approx 3 kg - gaining 1.4kg almost overnight seems far from ideal. When something like this happens, whether it’s with fitness goals or any other kind of goals it's easy to think “I've ruined all my progress” or “I’ve undone all my hard work”.
Sound familiar?
But the thing is... you can’t ever change the past or undo what’s already done. Progress doesn't work like that. Everything you did up until your blip, remains the same. The effort, the wins you had, the experience you gained, the progress you earned. It all happened and no matter how badly you fail, mess up, or fall off the proverbial wagon, nothing ever takes that away. What it DOES do is keep you focused on what went wrong instead of focusing on your next step forward.
Whenever you experience a blip or feel like you failed in some way,
I want you to remember this: It doesn't affect how well you have done up until this point - but it can massively affect how well you will do in the future.
It doesn't take away the progress you made last month or last week, but it may take away the progress you could make today, tomorrow this month, or this coming year. Don’t let it. Instead, focus your thinking on how far you have come and ask yourself where CAN you go from here. You can choose to stop and take away all your opportunity for future success
You can choose the next step towards your goals and set the wheel in motion once again for everything you ever wanted. The blips, the failures, the mistakes, the missteps, the plateaus, and roadblocks will ALWAYS happen. The choice that comes right after is always YOURS. What will you choose for your future self today? To stop and give in to a negative feeling that’s not even true? Or regroup - refocus and step forward towards your goals?