When you find a moment to feel good...

I hope the first thing you do today is something that makes you feel good. Even if you’re having a shit time (and believe I’m having a shit time at the moment).

You can find moments to stop the noise.
Take a breath
Play a good tune
Throw your hands up in the air

Give yourself that validation you’re doing a good job.

That moving forward is the BEST thing you can do and things are only getting better from this point on.

Belief in how good your life is and what it can and will be has to come from you. Especially when it feels the opposite.

Feeling down or negative is not something you have to ignore in order to feel positive. It's valid, it’s an experience and you need to acknowledge it to move through it…

But it’s NOT a destination.

Don’t stay there.
Don’t unpack and live there...

Keep moving, keep finding ways to feel good even if for now, it’s temporary...

I need you to promise me one thing.

When you find a moment to feel good...Really feel it. Don’t brush it off or slide on by.

Take your moment, soak it all in, replay it, revel in it, focus on it with all your intention, and set your mind to work on finding more and more of it...

Because when you really look and I mean really look, love, happiness, joy, goodness is all around us.

I wrote this on my IG stories on Friday after having a pretty rough time personally.

And I wanted to send it to all of you - because sometimes we all need a reminder that the power of positivity isn't never having a bad day. It’s about having a bad day and holding the faith that better days are coming.


Whenever you experience a blip


My biggest manifestation to date