The 5k Tax Fiasco
First of all if you haven’t read part 1 of this story you can do so here.
Second of all this is another money email so, fair warning... if talking about money isn’t your thing or offends you in any way, it’s probably best you stop reading from here.
Lets recap
The last time we spoke about this, I told you I received an email from my accountant telling me my personal tax this year was going to be £5k more than I had budgeted for. Rather than get upset and frustrated by the extra money going out of my account, I chose to believe in the flow and circulation of money. I decided to lean into the belief that if I want to earn more, I need to be comfortable spending more and that paying more tax is just putting more money into that circulation.
This was about 6 weeks ago…
Here’s what happened next
As I’m now into the last quarter of my financial year, I went for a meeting with my accountant to go over how the business was performing in terms of profit and Corporation (company) tax. We already knew my personal tax position (hello extra 5k) but with only a couple of months to go until the end of the year, it was time to discuss the big bills lol.
My accountant has her laptop out and is running the numbers...
“Sales have increased from last year"
“And you’ve definitely spent more this year” (This is the first year I hired people to help me run my business. It is also the first year that I spent A LOT of money on coaching and courses - the best business expense ever haha)
I’m waiting..and waiting…
Then she hit me with the bottom line... The bill
While it's probably not the best idea to disclose all my financial info in an email, I will tell you this… the bill was LESS than the money I had “saved” all year to pay for my company tax. Way less.. In fact, it was £15K less…
£15,000 … just extra, surplus to requirements, £15k of overflow.
I was getting 3 times more back, than the extra money I had spent on my personal tax. Talk about the circulation of money!
Coincidence you say?
Well, how about this for a coincidence… There is a coach I really want to work with. I mean I really, really want to work with. But she is expensive, so expensive that I didn't feel I could justify the money as a business expense this year.
Guess how much her fee is to sign up for her 12-month mastermind? Yep… that’s right. £15k.
Now you can choose to see these things as a coincidence and that's perfectly fine, a happy coincidence brings plenty of joy on its own... but maybe just maybe, if you choose to see this as what money queen Amanda Frances calls the ‘energy and frequency of money’ you might just find yourself matching and attracting everything you ever wanted and more.
Remember, the choice is always YOURS.
You choose how you want to see the world, you choose how you react to the events that happen around you. You choose the energy and intention you put into the actions you take. Choose the best possible version of yourself, always.