A Case of the “When” Syndrome
I’ve got the when's really bad at the moment.
I’ll be tidy “when my house is renovated”.
I’ll clean “when my house is tidy".
I’ll launch this idea when it’s the right time.
I’ll have some time off “when I've launched my next program”.
I’ll grab lunch “ when I'm done with my emails”.
I’ll text my friend back “when I’m not so busy”.
When when when when, WHEN.
It’s worrying how many “when’s” I’m actually waiting for. When I really think about it, (when lol) do I ever say I'll do that “now”.
I’ll take a break now.
I’ll phone my mum now.
I’ll put that puzzle away NOW.
No, Pretty much never happens, it almost seems like I’ve put my whole life on hold waiting for when. What the actual F is WHEN???
There will always be more work, more mess, more emails, more excuses, more life to deal with. You know what there isn’t any more of?
Right now
Right now is happening, well, right now and before you know it’s gone. Think about how many times you put something off waiting for the “ when” and how many right now moments you lost in the process. – it’s actually frightening.
Time is our biggest commodity. In the words of Harvey Mackay:
“Time is free, but it’s priceless
You can’t own it but you can use it.
You can’t keep it, but you can spend it.
Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back."
This week, make each moment count. If time is your biggest commodity, invest wisely, invest in the RIGHT NOW.
Feel free to share what “when’s” you’ve been waiting for in my Inner Magic Facebook Group so we can all share our whens and get rid of them together.