Making space

Woman sitting on rock watching sunset

I’m now in the run-up to (finally) laying mum to rest, saying goodbye, and with that has come a rollercoaster of emotions. Some days I have felt like there is no way I can focus my mind on anything at all, some days I have felt guilty for not feeling too bad and some days I have literally craved a creative outlet and a busy day.

One thing I have come to realise is that when you lose someone or something important to you and it creates a hole or void in your life, inevitably, with loss also comes space. Loss is awful and something I am struggling with massively. But the space….

Space is something I can wholeheartedly get my hopeful self on board with.

Space is special.

Space allows for new things to enter your life. It makes room for opportunity. It opens up your once repetitive, day-to-day existence and thought processes, and allows you to create something entirely different… something you couldn't have done before. Space can be anything. For me, it occurs mainly as time and perspective.

I have more time available right now than I've had for the last three years. What will I choose to do with that time, whilst I'm off? How will I reorganize my time when I return fully to work? Will I return to what I was doing? or is this a clear pathway to build something new? Suddenly my old rules don’t apply and I have the option to create new ones if I wish. How freeing is that? How powerful is that? How much of a once-in-a-lifetime gift could this be if I let it? As usual, I digress…lol

The point of this email is not about me…it’s for you to spend a little time this week, assessing your space. If you’re day/life is jam-packed, but you desperately want change? How much room have you got for new opportunities to come in? What can you effectively declutter in order to make room for better?

And to those of you who have recently lost something? Whether that’s a job or a loved one, the sale on a new home, or a project you spent 6 months working on has ended. What space has been created by that loss? What special gift did that loss leave you? Have you suddenly got more time on your hands? Did it leave you with a new learning, perspective, or certainty about something you want? Does it open up an opportunity to do something differently than before?

What you “gain” from any loss - is not about making up for the person or thing you are missing …but it should be appreciated as the gift that was left to you in its place.

…and you never know… It may just be the exact thing you needed, to guide you to your next destination.


The big step backwards


You are always in the exact right moment of your life