Did you know you have superpowers?

It’s officially December. December for some is perhaps the most magical time of the year? So today I have a magic-inspired post for you.

I love the idea of magic. I believe magic and miracles exist all around us, all of the time. I’m that fully grown adult that still lives on the premise that if you don’t see the magic or the miracles all around you it’s because you can’t see what you don’t believe in. Or maybe the problem is we just have different definitions of them. A miracle is defined as an event so unlikely as to be almost impossible. 

Let’s explore this…

Did you know that the probability of you (with your unique genetic code) being born,  is estimated to be more than 1 in 400 trillion. By that definition the creation of YOU is almost impossible, you exactly as you are right now, is a real life miracle.

Now for magic

Magic is defined as the use of special powers to make things happen that would usually be impossible. For much of human history, science and magic were practically the same thing. Do you believe you have special powers? A power so special it can make the impossible possible?

What about your eye sight?

If you were to look up to the night sky, what would you see? On a clear night you might very well see the stars. On a very clear night you might see a little fuzzy patch of light just visible with the naked eye. The constellation of Andromeda. If you can make out that tiny blob, you are seeing as far as is humanly possible without technology. 

Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy to our own Milky Way. In fact the Andromeda galaxy is 2.5m light years away. When the photons of light that hit your eye began their journey, there were no human beings. We were yet to evolve. You are seeing those blobs of light at an almost inconceivable (IMPOSSIBLE) distance and looking back in time through 2.5 million years. 

Sounds impossible right? Yet the magic of our world and the special powers you were born with make it possible.

I could go on and on with crazy mind blowing facts about how special you are, how you just being you, is a miracle and that everything you were born with is a freakin super power, that when channelled in the right direction…. can literally allow you to quantum leap, to look through back through time, to do things beyond your wildest dreams.

Reading funny facts like the ones i have shared with you today, remind me to scratch the surface of the monotony of my day, to dig a little deeper and encourage myself to see that actual magic is within us all. All the time.

Never doubt the extraordinary powers you have. Science shows us it exists, you, right now are it's living proof that it’s real. You just need to start believing it. I hope this wasn't too woo-woo and you stuck with me this far. I just want YOU to see YOU the way I KNOW that you are.


You are always in the exact right moment of your life


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