How To Get Back On The Wagon After A Binge


1. Refocus on what you are working for

First and foremost remind yourself of your why. Revisit your goals big and small and remember why they are important to you.

It can also be helpful to set some new ones, but make sure you set yourself up for success and make them super achievable.

2. Beat the bloat 

It’s highly likely you’re feeling bloated. It’s quite normal after eating lots of sugar, or sodium (all commonly found in junk food) you will retain water. Beat the bloat by drinking water and eating lots of fibre-rich fruits and veggies. Try and stay away from coffee, salty food and alcohol. Drinking water, eating whole foods and getting some good sleep helps flush out the body as quickly as possible. 

3. Start the day off right 

Try and start your day with a workout. 

By feeling successful and ticking of a workout, you will be far less likely to eat rubbish and give in to negative feelings. 

4. Don’t feel guilty

Don’t try and get back into your healthy lifestyle by feeling guilty about your unhealthy weekend. 

Negativity breeds negativity and feelings of guilt often mean you end up punishing yourself all week rather than building yourself back up to balance and moderation. 

If you’ve overindulged don’t try and overcompensate. Stick to your usual routine. 

If you start adding in twice the amount of workouts to try and out train your bad diet, all you are doing is using your workouts as a punishment. We should have positive feelings attached to our workouts, not negative ones and overloading the body with lengthy, unenjoyable training sessions will be the opposite of motivating.

5. Don’t skip meals

Just because you overate at the weekend is no reason to under eat all week and it certainly won’t do your body any good.  

Don’t eat little, eat well. Keep yourself full and away from hunger pangs that will have you reaching for the biscuit jar. 

The sooner you get back to your normal routine the better more balanced you will feel. 


Morning Manifesto


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