Affirmations for Success
If I’ve learned anything through my life, through my fitness journey, through having kids, through my own health and living with Crohn’s disease, through my divorce (and now second marriage) through starting and running a business for the first time with absolutely NO IDEA what I was doing - it’s this.....YOU CANNOT HAVE ANYTHING YOU DON’T BELIEVE YOU CAN HAVE!
It’s not cliche or cheesy or cringe-worthy it’s the actual truth... you have to change how you believe things can BE. You can get your body back after a baby. You can get well after an illness. You can have love and be loved and have love AGAIN. You can have money when you come from none. You can get fit at any age for the first time. You can turn an idea or passion into a business with no experience.
Repeat after me
I want you all to achieve your set your mind and your beliefs to whatever it is you want. It may have been a disappointing year so far but we have a brand new month in front of us…one that can be used to set the wheels of our ambition in motion. So let’s start NOW. Repeat after me:
“This is the best month ever.
I did it better than ever before.
Everything I need - it’s all within me.
I’ve got this.
I know what to do.
I know that it’s possible.
I am good enough.
I am ready.
I am worthy.”
Then repeat it to yourself every single day. Because You ARE ready NOW . You are ENOUGH, NOW.