3 years ago I was a stay at home Mum of 2 who didn’t believe she had anything to offer the world. Now I have my own successful business which focuses on what I’m obsessed with - helping women like you realise their fullest potential and live their very best lives.

When Moo (my youngest) was 4 months old I started an anonymous instagram account, documenting my life and fitness journey.  My story resonated with women and mums all over the world and my secret IG page grew into this glorious community of over 200k like minded women - All looking for friendship, fitness and to find their own inner magic.

People would ask me every day why don't you become a personal trainer? You seem to love fitness!

But, the thing is... I don’t love fitness, the way a personal trainer loves fitness...i love and appreciate fitness because it lit a spark inside me that opened up my whole world. 

I have talked with hundreds of thousands of you, every day for the last 6 years and what became clear, very quickly was…. you didn't need another personal trainer , you didn’t need another workout program or another diet plan to follow. 

You needed a pep talk on a monday morning, a confidante that understood you when the scale inexplicably went up, a confidence boost when you felt like you had failed, someone to celebrate with when something small but incredible happened.

Then, when you had that… I watched as your world opened up too. And that's when it happened ... I became obsessed.

Obsessed with transforming YOUR mindset and seeing YOU step up to a whole other level of personal success.

So I've spent the 3 years working on exactly this, I geeked out on everything mindset, developing and honing my own methods whilst learning everything I could from others. I’m certified as a Master in mindset coaching, time line therapy and hypnotherapy and have a degree in Education and Psychology.  I’ve worked professionally as a coach with over 150 women 1:1 and group coached hundreds more.    

Whether it’s weight loss, wellbeing, relationships, a new business idea or just life in general, I’m here for it ALL.  I’m here to help you transform.  To rediscover your passions, to find the faith in yourself to go after them.   To give you all the tools you need to make it a magical reality and scream my head off when I watch it happen.

I want this for you. Let’s make it happen.

Nikki xx


To find out more about how to work with me just click below…